Eye Care & Surgery Center NJ Bladeless LASIK Laser Cataract Surgeon Blog

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Lazy Eye Risk in Premature Children

There is generally concern regarding vision problems in premature children and especially those with retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Researchers investigated whether the incidence rate, cumulative incidence, and prevalence of any amblyopia risk factors were greater in retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and non-ROP screened groups of children up to age 3. The incidence of amblyopia risk factors was not significantly different between non-ROP and ROP screened children however, the prevalence of refractive errors among premature children-especially astigmatism- was higher than that reported in childhood in the eye care literature.  Based on this, it may be appropriate to screen all children with a history of prematurity for refractive errors around 24 months of age. If a friend, relative or acquaintance has a child born prematurely, it might be worth suggesting that they schedule a screening eye exam by age 2 if they have not already done so at the direction of their pediatrician.

If you or someone you know is concerned about eye health and vision problems in children please be sure to call The Eye Care & Surgery Center at 908-789-8999, visit The Eye Care & Surgery Center, or facebook.com/eyecareandsurgerycenter.

The Eye Care & Surgery Center is an affiliate of Prism Vision Group and is located at 592 Springfield Avenue, Westfield, New Jersey 07090, 10 Mountain Boulevard, Warren, New Jersey 07059 and 517 Route One South, Suite 1100, Iselin, New Jersey 08830, and is conveniently located for patients from throughout central and northern New Jersey.