Eye Care & Surgery Center NJ Bladeless LASIK Laser Cataract Surgeon Blog

Monday, October 9, 2017

Nutrition & Prevention of Eye Problems

Age Related Macular Degeneration, Dry Eye Syndrome and Cataracts are very common senior eye problems. While we rarely think about nutrition problems in the U.S., there is global information that tells us what CAN happen if we allow people to develop nutritional deficiencies and thus what types of supplements and vitamins might be helpful in preventing these eye problems According to research presented in the Journal of Clinical Dermatology on the role of vitamins, essential fatty acids and antioxidants in age-related macular degeneration, dry eye syndrome and cataract, there is useful information and it helps us advise our patients on a daily basis. When we look around the world, we find that visual impairment is a global epidemic. In developing countries, nutritional deficiency and cataracts continue to be the leading cause of blindness, whereas age related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts are the leading causes in developed nations. The World Health Organization has instituted VISION 2020: "The Right to Sight" as a global mission to put an end to worldwide blindness. In industrialized societies, patients, physicians, researchers, nutritionists, and biochemists have been looking toward vitamins and nutrients to prevent AMD, cataracts, and dry eye syndrome (DES).

We know that nutrients from the AREDS2 -lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, copper, EPA and DHA as set forth by the National Institutes of Health remain the most proven nutritional therapy for reducing the rate of advanced AMD. We also know that Omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, have been found to improve dry eye syndrome in randomized clinical trials. Finally we know that there continue to be conflicting results with regard to multivitamin supplementation on the prevention of cataract. 

When you visit us for your regular eye exam, we may very well ask you about your nutrition and what vitamins and supplements you already take. If you are in a risk group for AMD or have complaints about dry eye symptoms we may also recommend supplements or vitamins to help you. Please call The Eye Care & Surgery Center at 908-789-8999, visit The Eye Care & Surgery Center, Google+ or facebook.com/eyecareandsurgerycenter to schedule an appointment. 

The Eye Care & Surgery Center is located at 592 Springfield Avenue, Westfield, New Jersey 07090, 10 Mountain Boulevard, Warren, New Jersey 07059 and 517 Route One South, Suite 1100, Iselin, New Jersey 08830, and is conveniently located for patients from throughout central and northern New Jersey.