Eye Care & Surgery Center NJ Bladeless LASIK Laser Cataract Surgeon Blog

Monday, April 20, 2015

KAMRA™ Inlay Helps Near Vision & Reduces or Eliminates the Need for Reading Glasses

At The Eye Care & Surgery Center almost every day we have discussions with patients about options for near vision correction, including if LASIK is possible, whether multifocal lens implants might be appropriate, and even the option of multifocal contact lenses and progressive eyeglass lenses. Most baby boomers seem to want to decrease their dependence on eyeglasses or contacts and hate having to wear reading glasses.

We are pleased to announce that the FDA has approved the KAMRA™ Inlay-a corneal inlay which is an opaque, ring-shaped device intended for patients 45 to 60 years of age who have diminished or no ability to focus clearly on near objects or small print and require reading glasses. The inlay is not intended for patients that have already had cataract surgery.  The mechanism works by blocking peripheral light rays while allowing central light rays to pass through a small opening in the center of the device, making near objects and small print less blurry.

"In most of the other cornea, cataract and LASIK procedures I perform for patients, lasers of various types give me the ability to do gentle, precise and reproducible surgery. This will be the same with KAMRA™ as I will be able to use a laser to create a pocket in the cornea of one eye and implant the tiny device in that pocket,” said Dr. Confino. “This should give my patients improved near vision in the eye with the implant, while not affecting the distance vision of the two eyes working together." 

If you or someone you know wishes to learn more about the KAMRA™ Inlay for near vision correction instead of reading glasses or any refractive surgery including Bladeless LASIK or Lens Implants at The Eye Care & Surgery Center please call 800-504-1083 to schedule a Free Consultation.