Chemical Peels are an easy and affordable way to treat patients with sun damaged skin, fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentary abnormalities, acne and acne scarring. One week prior to having a peel, one should avoid getting electrolysis, waxing, hair laser removal, Botox and the use of depilatory creams. Two to three days before a peel, avoid using Retina-A, Renova, Differine and Tazorac and any products containing retinol, alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA), beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) or benzoyl peroxide. Any exfoliating products that may be drying or irritating should also be avoided. Anyone who has had a medical cosmetic facial treatment or procedure, e.g. laser therapy, surgical procedures, cosmetic fillers or microdermabrasion, should wait until skin sensitivity completely resolves before receiving their treatment.
Patients who should NOT be treated with chemical peels include anyone with active cold sores, warts, open wounds, sunburn, excessive sensitive skin, dermatitis or inflammatory rosacea. Also, patients with a history of allergies (especially to salicylates like aspirin), rashes or other skin reactions, have taken Accutane within the past year, or women who are pregnant or breast feeding, should not be treated with a peel. Lastly, patients who have received chemotherapy, radiation therapy, have vitiligo or anyone with an autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, lupus, multiple sclerosis should not receive a peel.
After receiving a chemical peel, it is expected that your skin will be red, possibly itchy and/or irritated. Although most people experience peeling of their facial skin, not every patient notices that their skin peels. Lack of peeling is NOT an indication that the peel was unsuccessful. If you do not notice actual peeling, please know that you are still receiving all the benefits of a peel such as stimulation of collagen, improvement of skin tone and texture and diminishment of fine lines and pigmentation.
Thank you to our Guest Blogger: Stephanie Tribel OSA, Cosmetic Services Coordinator at The Eye Care & Surgery Center in New Jersey